List of Tamil words in Tokelau language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Tokelau language
DR.Variankaval Ramsamy Annadurai; MD;DPM;
Tokelauan is a Polynesian language spoken in Tokelau and on Swains Island (or Olohega) in American Samoa. It is closely related to Tuvaluan and is related to Samoan and other Polynesian languages. Tokelauan has a co-official status with English in Tokelau. There are approximately 4,260 speakers of Tokelauan, of whom 2,100 live in New Zealand, 1,400 in Tokelau, and 17 in Swains Island. "Tokelau" means "north-northeast".

Clues to read Tokelau words into Tamil;
Letter ‘k’= ‘v’; ‘v’ = ‘k’.
Add vowels then and there.
Add letter ‘m’ and letter ‘n’ then and there.
Letter ‘p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
A letter can be read more than once.
If a letter occurs consecutively more than once the letter has to be read only once.
Ref; Tokelau Dictionary – Office of Tokelau Affairs
English- Tokelau – Tamil
1.wink- kemo- kann imaikka ; kann- eye; imaikka- wink .
*2. wipe- tatafi- thudai
3. wisdom- atamai – mathi; letters are in reversed order.
4.wise- poto- puththi ; poatham ; otpam; letters are in reversed order. lalolagi- ulakam
6.worried- atugia- thukkam/ grief
*7.whisper- muhumuhuga- munu munukka
8.wave- galu- alaikal / waves; letters are in reversed order.
*9.wave [ v]- talo- aattuthal
wedding- avavaga- vivaagam [Skt] kite- noakkidu
*11.wake- ala- ezhu
12.veil- tatao- moodu thuni ; moodu- cover ;thuni- cloth
*13.voice- leo- oli
14.vomit- fa kahuati - kakkidu
15.underwear- kofuloto- keezh ullaadai ; keezh- under; ull- inner ;aadai- dress.
16.under pants- kofu vaeloto- kuppayam ullaadai ; kuppaayam- pants; ull- inner; aadai- dress.
*17. twitch- tete- thudiththida
*18.twitch- tatapa- thudippu
*19.touch- tago- -thoduka katoaga- koottu thokai
21.tree trunk- pogati – kattai
*22.toddy /from coconut palm- kaleve- kallu
*23.tight-fifita- pidiththida
*24.timid- kakalo- koazhai
25.timber- lakau-kazhi; letters are in reversed order.
26.thunder- faititili- idi idiththla/ to thunder.
*27.throw down- apati- poadu
28.throw a handful of gravel at - kulu kuluga fatu; kai alavu kalluklai poadu ; kai- hand; alavu- measure; kal- stone; poadu- throw.
*29.this- te- - ithu
*30.that- te- athu
*31.tell- tatala- yaaaththal
32.tell- taku- nodikka; naa neettuka; padikka.
33. tell- lea- sollu; mozhiya
34. tell- logo-solluka; mozhika.
35. tatoo- tatau- theettu / draw / paint
36. talkative- gututautala- kada kada nnu kathaiththal ; kathaiththal- speaking .
*37.swell- puta- pudaiththida
38. suitable- fetaui- oththa
39. suit [of clothes] - huti-udai ;aadai .
40.suit case- ato- petti
*41. sun- la- el
*42. sun shine- la- oli
43. support- teke-thaankku
44.swarm- tolo- moeiththal
45.take an oath- tuto- aanai yaeththidu
46.stuck- kake- sikka
*47.strike- ta - adi
*48.strike- tuki- thaakku ;adikka .
*49.steal- kalo- kalavu ; ka= va; va =ak.
50.jump- teki-- thaanduka
*51.thick- toto- thadiththa
52.story- tale - yaaththal
* stop- utu- thadu
* stop- tuku- thadukka
*55.stomach- puta- poththu
*56.stink- manogi- manakka
*57.street- auala - vazhi /way
*58.sting /insects- kati – kadi/ insect; koththa /snake.
59.sting- tui- theendu
60.stinging- tiga- theenduka ila- pulli
*62.spotted- pule pule- pulli pulliyaa
63.speech- lauga- mozhika ;solluka ; olikka .
*64.spear- tao- eetti
*65.spear- velo- vael
66.southwards- ki toga- theukkaaka ;letters are jumbled.
*67.south- toga- theukku
* fatele- paadal
69.sore- pou- punn
70.soul- agaga- akam
*71.sound- leo- oli make sound- tagi- oaasai iduka; oaasai- sound.
73.soiled- kele kelea- azhukkaaka
*74.sole/ only- oioti- oththai
75.sole – tautahi- adi paatham ;paatham- foot.
*76.smoke/ treat with smoke- fakaahu – pukai/ smoke
*77.smell- manage- manakka
78.smell- nanamu- manam
*79.slowly- maile- mella
*80.smooth- mole mole- mozhu mozhu nnu
*81.small- fuaiti- podisu
82.small- liki- kullam; letters are in reversed order.
83.smashed- talpe- idiththal
*84.slimy- kola – kozha kozha nnu
*85.slimy- vale vale loloa- vazha vazhannu ulla show- fakatino- kaattanum
87.shine- pu pula- pala palappu /shining
88.shelf- fata- thattu
* shake- galulu- kuzhukku
* off- fakata gata- pakattu kattu
* shake- gatete- kidu kidu nnu ada ; kidu kidukka .
92.shake hands- fa katalo fa- kai koduththal
*93.shaking- tete- aadida
94.see- kitea- kanndidu
95.see- kikila- kaanal tofi- edu
*97.set on fire- tutu- thee idu; thee- fire.
*98.set- katoaga- kattuka
*99.put- tuku – iduka
*100.put- tatao- idu; ittidu .
*101.senior- matua- mooththoan
102.say- lea – sollu ; mozhiya .
*103.scribble- tuhituhi- theettu / write
*104.saw dust- taeili- thool
105.saviour- fa kaola- kaavalan ; ka= va; va= ka.
106.sand- one one- munn
107.sandy- one onea- munn munna
108.sail- fa katele -kappal oaaduthal ; letters are jumbled. kappal- ship
* into /collide with – tau – moathu; idiththida.
110.row a boat- taualo- thuduppu iduthal ; thuduppinaal thallu ;thudippu- oar .
111.rub out- titina- taiththidanum ; thudaiththidanum . way- tavaka- oaadi viduka ; letters are jumbled.
*113.river/ stream- vaitafe- voaadai /stream
114.road- ala- saalai
115.roast- tao- sudu *116.ripe- matua- muththiya
117.ripe- pula- pazhukka
*118.remains- meatotoe- meethi
*119.reach / arrive - tau- adaiya
* faitau- padi
121.ripen- fakapula- pazham pazhukka; letters are jumbled; pazham- fruit; pazhukka- to ripe
122.ring- vili- valaiyam
123.rag- gatukie- kanthai
124.real-moni- unmmai; letters are in reversed order.
125.put out / extinguish- tape- theeyaei anaiththidu; thee- fire.
put off /postpone- tolo – thalli idu
126.pyjamas- kofu moe-kuppaayam
*127.putrid- pala- paazh
*128.put- tuku- eduka
*129.provide- tauhi- thaa
*130.puddle - vaivai- vaavi
*131.prick- tutui- theiththida
132.prior- muamua- munnamae
*133.prisoner- pa gota – kaeithi
*134.pound- tuki- idikka
*135.pour- to- uooththu
136.powder- pauta- podi
137.photograph- ata- padam
138.photograph- puke he ata- - pukai padam; padam- picture.
*139.pick- tau – edu
*140.pluck- fati- peiththidu
* tala- aaduthal a musical instrument- ta- thattu / beat the drum; meettu/ play the harp ; uoothu/ blow the horn .
*143.pass/ give - kavato- kodu
*144.pebbles- kili kili- kozhaankkal
145. perceive- kitea- kanndidu
146.peck- togi- koththu; letters are in reversed order; kuththu .
*147. page of a book- itulau- ithazh
148.outcry- lauega- azhuka/ cry.
149. other- tetahi- maththathu
150. old man- toeaina- muthiyoan
151.old woman- lo matua- moothaatti
*152. oppose- teteke- yethiththiduka
* tahi- oththai by one- takitahi- oththai oaththai yaaka
*155.mourn- tagi- thukkam
156.moth- lelefua- puzhu; letters are in reversed order.
*157.mother- matua- moothaai ; maatha .
*158.mud- kele kele – kazhi munn
159.look after- taukikila- paaththu kolla
160.take care- tokaga- paathukka
161.take care- fa kaeteete- paathu kaththidu
*162.method- auala- vazhi
*163.opponent- paga- pakai
164.menstruation- tauale o fa fine – penn theettu adaithal ; letters are jumbled; penn- female- theeetu- mensus; adaithal- to have .
*165. to mate /animals- uluga-ozhukka
*166.mature- matua- muththa
*167.make- fai- pannu
*168.make- gaohi- aakku
169.look- kikila- kaanal
170.long- loa- neelam
* light [ v]- tutu- thee yaeththu ; thee- fire .
*172.leaf- lau- ilai
173.leak- tutulu – thuli thuli yaa sottuthal ; thuli- drop ;sotta -to drip .
174.laugh- kata- nakaiththida
*175.kick- tavae- uthai; letters are in reversed order. tutu- thee idu ; thoondu
*177.knock- tuki- thattka; idikka .
178.island- motu- munn tittu ; munn- sand; thittu- patchy area .
179.invite- kalaga- azhaikka ; letters are jumbled.
*180.increase- tului- yaeththuthal
*181.inquiry- hukehukega- kaekka
*182.inject- tui- yaeththu
183.injury- pakia- kaayam
184.howl- keke- koovuka
*185.hollow- qual oo- - kuzhiyaa
186.home- kaiga- akam
187.hold down- tatao- pidiththidu / keep
*188.hit- ta- adi
*189.hit- tuki – adikka ; moahtuka
*190.hit- tatu- adiththidu
191.hill- matike- maedaaka ; maedu- mound .
192.putrid- elo- azhiya
193.hidden- lilofia- oliya/ to hide kinei- inkkae; letters are in reversed order.
*195.handle- kau- kai
* hang – tautau- ottu
*197.heart beat- tata fatu- ithaiya thudippu; letters are jumbled; ithayam- heart; thudippu- beat.
198. paddle[v]- taualo- thudppu iduthal ; thudippu- oar
199.heart- fatu- ithayam
200.heat- kakaha- kaaya
201.heap- fa kaputuga- kuviththiduka ; ka= va; va= ka.
202.heap- fa kaputu- kuviththidu ; ka= va; va= ka.
203.hard /difficult- fai gata- kadinam
*204.heed- fa kalogo- kaeluka
*205.heaven- vanimonimo- vaanam/ sky
206.heed- tokaga- kaetkka; letters are jumbled.
*207.male genital- pali – poolu
208.male genital- mea- maani
*209.get- tau- adaiya
210.germinate- ola- mulai
211.go in- ulu- ullae nuzhaiya; ullae- in; nuzhaiya- to enter.
212.goal/ score- kai- enniikkai / numbers
213.goat- oti- aadu
214.go- ola- sellu
215.go down- fano kilalo- keezhae poanum ; keezh- down.
216.go- fano- poanum
217.glorious -mamalu lele-maenmai ulla
218.frightened- teki- peethi adaika ; peeethi- fear ;adaika- to have.
*219.full stop- pel iota- pulli idu; pulli- mark/ spot; idu- make; full stop- pulli idu.
220.front- mua – munn
221.flower- fugalakau- pookkkal ; letters are jumbled. name- munua – meen / general name
*223.fist- moto- mutti
*224.female- fa fine- penn
225.fetch /water- utu- thanni edu; thanni- water.
*226.fetch- tali- eduththal
227.faeces- fakau-kakka
*228.excavate- keli-akalu
229.erect- tuhako- naattuka
*230.equal- tutuha – oththa
*231.erase- holi- azhi
232.enter- ulu- nuzhaiya
*233.earn- totogi- eettuka kai- unnuka
235.edge- tafa- ottu
236.end [v.t] – tuku – mudikka
237.drum- pate- thappu; letters are in reversed order.
* beat the drum- ta- thattu; adi.
*239.drumstick- kauta- kottu thadi; kottu- drum; thadi- stick; kottu- to beat. /animals- tuli tuli - oaattuthal
241.drip- tulu tulu –sottuthal
* dress- fain a kie- punaika
243.dictate /read out- lau- sollu
244.die/ people - oti- seththida
*245.die/ animals and plants - mate- madaiya
*246.dig- keli- akazhu fai- pannu kuli- kukkal/ wolf
249.defecate- titiko- pei poaeiduka ; pei- shit; poaeiduka- to pass.
250.deep- loloto- aazham udaiya ; aazham- depth; udaiya- have.
251.delayed- tuai – thamatham
252.delete- tokehe- adiththiduka ; adiththu viduka; ka= va; va= ka.
*253.damage- lavea-azhivu fatele- aadal
255.defeat- tokilalo- thaokka adiththal ; letter ‘t’ is read more than once koli- kannul
*257.dawn- aoutea- vidiya
*258.daughter- afa fine- penn
259.dead- galo- kazhiya; kaalamaaka
*260.decay- pala- paazh
261.debt- kaitalafu- kadan ulla ; kadan- debt.
*262.decorate- teu - thai
263.curry- kale- kuzhampu
*264.curse- fetu- paadu
265.cut/ wounded- kokoto- kaayam adaiya ;kaayam- wound; adaiya- to have ; kuththu vettu kaayam; vet- cut ; kuththu- stab .
266. walk- takaga- adi edukka ; adi- foot- edukka- take; nadakka .
* kuka- aakku / to cook
*268.convey- momoli- mozhiya
*269.cracked- take- oaattaiyaaka
270.complete- katoa- kedi/ completed
271.conduct- taki- nadakkai ; nadaththukai ; thakaimai .
*272.congregate- gatu- koodu
273.congregation- kaulotu- koottam koodula ;letters are jumbled.
274.connect- hoka- inaikka
*275.collide- tatu- idiththida; moathida
276.collage- kolihi- kalvi nilaiyam ; ka= va; va= ka. kalvi- education.
277.combine- fai fa katahi- koottu
278.collect- fa katali- koottuthal
279.cold- ma ka lili- kuzhumai; letters are jumbled.
280.check- /examine- huke- aaika
281.stop- tapfi –thadu
282.chew- lmu- mellu; letters are in reversed order.
283.clay- omea- munn/ soil
*284.close/ near- toeitiiti- otti kalapu- kazhi / stick; kahzakam- an association.
286.cloth- kie- akavam; ka= va; va = ka.
*287.class- vahega- vakai
288.take care- tokaga- paththukka kea- kavanam; ka= va; va= ka.
290.calm- toka- amaithiyaaka
291.canoe- vaka- vankkam
292.calculate- fa katatau- kanakkidu fa katu- kattu
294.bull- pulu-pullam
295.bump- tokai - moathuka ; muttuka .
296.bump- tatu- muttu ; moathu .
* tuhi- yaedu
*298.broken- take- udaikka /to break
*299.break open- vete- vudai
300.branch - lalakau- kilai; letters are in reversed order.
*301.blunt- mattatupa-mottai
302.board/ committee- - komiti- koottam ; letters are jumbled.
303.bind- fau- pinai
304.bird species- goga- kaakka/ crow
305.a bird katafa – kaadai / quail
306.a bird- kolili- kuyil / Indian cockoo – peti- panthaiyam
308.between- itevao- uoodae; letters are in reversed order
*309.beg- kaitagogo- kai eduththu kaekka ; kenjiduka .
310.beg- gogo- yaasikka
*311.blow- tagi- adikka; uoothuka
312.blow- [n]- ta- adi; adiththidu / wind; uoothu; thattu.
*313.bitten- katia- kadiththida
*314.bite- kati- kadi
315.bitter – kona- kasappaana
*316.basket- kete- koodai
317.bathe- takele- kuliththidu / take bath; letters are jumbled.
318.bath- takelega- kuliththiduka/ take bath; letters are jumbled.
*319.beat- ta- adi
*320.beat- tuki- adikka
*321.beautiful- gali- koalam ;kalai ; kuzhaku .; kozhumai .
* leleiga- azhaku
*323.beautiful- lalelei- ezhil
*324.become- tau- aayida
325.bed room- potu moe- paduththidum idam ;paai poadum idam ; padu- lie down ;paai- mat ;idam- place.
326.before- muamua- munnae
327.bag- fafao- pai
328.bail/ water- tata- thanni edu; thanni- wate.r
329.bailer- tata- thoandi
330.bake- tao- sudu
331.baking powder- fefete- soada podi ; podi- powder.
332.bald- tula- mudi illai; mudi- hair; illai- without.
*333.away- atu – etta
334.battle- taua- pudai attention- haga- kavanam; ka= va; va= ka.
*336.assault- tuki – adikka ; thaakka .
*337.ask- gogo- kaekka
*338.armpit- kaokao- kakkam
339.anger- fekai- kaaya ; koapam ; letters are in reversed order.
340.answer- tali- pathil
*341.appear- aliali- ezha
*342.appear- tu- thattu; uthi .
343.applaud- pati- thattu
344.appoint- tofi- idu; poadu; letters are in reversed order.
*345.arise- alaake- yezhuka
*346.arise- tuake- thattka; uthikka.
*347.adze- ualoa- vaal
*348.revolt against- teteke- ethiththiduka
*349.absolutely- matua- moththamaa
*350.make a noise by taking- vovole- voalam vai
* in severe pain- vili- vali/ pain
*352.heat/ be hot- vevela- veyyal
*353.wonder- vavega- viyakka/ to wonder
*354.say- veatu- voathu
* full of holes- vata vata- voatttai voattaiyaa ; voattai- hole.
*356.make a noise in an alarmed manner- valo- voalam vai
357.raft- vakaama- vankkam
358.weariness/ tiredness- vai vai- oaaivu ; vaiyaa [Malayalam ]
359.a well- vaikeli- kooval; letters are jumbled.
*360.division- vaega- vaku/ divide; vakuppu/ division
361.filarial swelling of lower limb- vaetupa- uoothiya paatham; uoothu- swell; paatham- foot. spotted- tutu tutu- thattu thitta; pottu pottaa .
363.tail of an animal- toke- thoakai / tail of bird
364.blemish or spot on human body- tutu- thoei ;thattu / blemish
365.stare- tete- uththu paaththidu
366.writer- tuhitala- theettum aal; aal-person.
*367.writing- tuhituhi-theettu
368.jump / leap- tutaoho- thaanduka
* land- tuta - adaiya striped- tuhituhi- pattai pattaiyaa
371.story writing- tuhi gatala- kathai theettuthal ; letters are jumbled; kathai- story ;theettu -write.
372. top/ summit- tumu - mudi ; letters are in reversed order. of head /crown- tumuai- mudi; letters are in reversed order.
374.remain permanent- tumau- eppoathum
375. run after- tuliloa- pin oaaduthal
376.take a run- tuli- oattam eduththal
* prosperous- tulelei- thazhaithal blunt- tulali- mottai aathal
379.cite- tulau- suttuthal * tuku- iduka
381.leave- tukua- poaiduka
382.cut down- tuku- thundikka pounding stick- tuki tuki – kuththu kattai ;kuththu- to mpound; kattai- stick ;letters are jumbled. pounded- tukia- idikka ; podikka .
* hit- tukia- adikka
386.give a sign by nodding the head- tugaki- mandai yaei aattuka ; mandai- head; aattuka- to nod/ shake .
387.a born fire to attract attention- tugaki – thee iduka; thee- fire; iduka- make. very late- tuga- thaamathikka
389.boundary- tuakoi- kaattai ; letters are in reversed order.
390.mother’s brother- tuatina- aththaan ; mother’s brother’s son
*391.kick at- tuakahi- uthaikka
392.thickness- tuaefa- thadiththa
393.ancestors- tua- moothaathai
394.kneel- toyuli- mandi iduthal
395.step on- tu- mithi
*396.plant [ v] – toto- nadu ; nattidu . too late- tumuli- thamathiththal
*398.pick- toli- eduththal
399.walking stick- toko toko- kai thadi ;thadi- stick . calm- toka- amaithiyaaka ; amaithi adaika ;amaithai- peace/ calm .
401.award- togi- kodai ; letters are in reversed order.
* tili - oaaduthal
403.messenger- tili- seithi aal; seithi- message; aal- person
404.bind- tili- inaiththal
*405.sheet- tioata- yaedu bloom- tiale- pooththal
407.look- tete- paaththidu
408.get away- tiaki – poaeiduka
*409.dress up- teteu- udai uduththu ; udai- dress.
410. be over- teka- mudikka
*411.hit against- tatu- moathida; idiththida.
*412.tap- tata- thattu
*413.knock gently- tata- thattu
414.forbidden- tapu- thappu; thadai; taboo.
*415.throb- tata- thudiththida
*416.pulsate- tata- thudippu
* tata-aadida
418.water tank- tane - thanni thotti; thotti- tank; thanni- water.
419.shaking- tatapa- aadida
*420.prayer- tatalo- thuthiththal; oaathuthal.
421.fend/ block off- tali- thaduththal
*422.accept- talia- yaeththiduthaal
*423.say/tell –taku – oaathuka attacked- taktikatia - thaakkiduka /attack
425.give a bite- taka ti kati – oththai kadi kodukka; oththai- one; kadi- bite; kodukka- to give.
426. thieve- tagovale- kalavaaduthal ; letters are jumbled.
*427.take- tago – edukka ;thookka .
*428.accept- tago- oththukoa
429.cry- tagi- kaththu ; letters are in reversed order .
* lifted- taga- thookka
* /speak- tautala- oaathuthal ; yaaththal .
*432.beat up something- taupuke- thappuka
*433.pierce- tauga- theikka
434.carry about /take with- taukave- eduththu poaka
435.blind person- tauaho- pottai
436.bundle of clothes- taui- thuni moottai ;thuni- cloth; moottai- bundle.
437.count- tau- ennidu
438.fight- tau- pudai
439.cover – taotao- moodiduka
440.sea- tai- thoayam
*441.wind- havili- vali
442.wheat- haito- koathu ; letter ‘ h’ is read as ‘k’ and not as ‘a’.
443.coffin- puhaoti- - pina petti; pinam- corpse; petti- box.
444.mist- puao- pani
445.pig- pua- panni
*446.block of wood- poloka- palakai
447.trunk of tree- pogati- kattai - poutu – thadi
*449.ring worm- pita- padai
450.edge- pito-ottu
*451.lizard- pili- palli
452.compete- tau- poatti idu pehe- paa
*454.flat pancake- pepetu- puttu
*455.rot- pala- paazh
*456.arrive- pake- poaka
*457.bind- noa- inai
*458. be ended- muta- mudiya
* unripe- moto- muththaatha
*460. punch with fist- moto- mutti adi
461.completely- matua- moththamaa
462.drinking coconut when the milk is pleasantly sweet- matatulua- muththaatha ilani ; ilani- tender coconut .
*463.drop/ of liquid / rain- mataua- muththu
*464.underarm odour- mana kaokao- kakka manam ; manam- smell .
*465.think- manatunatu manathu ennida ; manathu- mind; ennida- think
467.remember- manatua- manam ninaiththida
*469.death- maliu- maala quick to answer- mautali- muthalil mozhiya/ first to answer; muthal- first; mozhiya- say .
471.shame- ma- naanam
472.pull out/ or pull off- futi – peiththidu
473.foot / measure of length- futu- adi
*474.blossom/ flower – fuga- pookka/ to blossom
475.testicle- fuapolo-paelam
476.fruit- fualakau- pazham pazhukka ; pazham-fruit; pazhukka- ripen .
477.capsule- fualakau- kulikai; letters are in reversed order.
* blossom- fotu- pooththida
479.soldier- fita fita- padai aatchchi
480.braid- fili- pinnal fetutuli- oaaduthal
* fetaui- paaththidu
*483.pass by- fetaui- poaeida
484.a decorative border pattern on a traditional mat- fete- poo poatta paai ; pai- mat .
485.burial place- fenuaoti- pina maedu ; pinam- dead body ;maedu- mound.
*486.die- feoti- poaeida
swell- fefete- pudaiththida ; pudaippu- swelling .
*487.the obligation and responsibility of caring for one’s family- fatukaiga- paathu kaakka
488.a set of songs composed within a certain period of time- fatuga- paattu kattuka; letters are jumbled; paattu- song; kattu- to compose.
489. lymph glands of arm pit- fatu kaokao- kakka katti ; katti- swelling/ gland.
490.heart attack- fa tupe- ithaiya adaippu ; adaippu- block .
491. weave- fatu- pinnidu
look/ crane the neck – fatio- etti paaththidu
492.compose/ songs- fatu—paattu punaiya ;paattu- song; punaiya- make.
493.action song dance- fatele- paadi aaduthal; paadu- sing; aaduthal- dancing.
494.go/ leave/ perish / be lost – fano – poanum
*495.pluck- faki- peikka
* house- faleaoga- payilakam ; payila- learn ; akam- house ; illakam- house.
*497.divide- fakavahega- pakukka
498.hope- fakatuatuaga- nampikkai adaika / to have hope; nampikkai- hope; adaika- to have.
499.snap off- fati- odi
*500.break- fati- poattu udai fa katonutonu – kai kaattanum
502.dismiss- fa kateka- neekkiduka
503.pass near by- fakatatafa- kadanthida
504.vibrate /rattle- fa katatapa- kada kadaththida; kudu kuduththida
505.all together- fakatahi ; koottaa ;koodi .
506.spoil / overindulge- fakatamamua- keduththidanum
507.wait- fa katali- kaaththidathal
508.deliberately destroy- fa katautala- keduththal/ destroy
509.stab one another- fa katautui- kaththi kuththu; kaththi- knife ; kuththu- stab
510.speak/ talk- fa kataumuna- kathaiththidanum ; letters are jumbled.
511.a flat piece of wood used by weaver- fa kaholo – kannai- k-kole/ weaver’s rod fa kahao- kaakka
513.question something- fa kamuna- kaekkanum
514.make smooth- faka mole mole- mozhu mozhu nnu pannuka ; mozhu mozhu- smooth; pannuka- make.
515.sound- fa kaleo - kali; kalan ; kael ; kuyil . be fortunate- fakaamutia- paakiyam udaiya /adaiya
517.put into a bag- faotaga- payil iduka; pai- bag; iduka- put. /chat- faitala- paesuthal
519.uncle- fai tamana- thaai maaman / maternal uncle; thaai- mother; maaman- uncle.
520.produce a child- faitama- peththidanum/ beget
521. protective towards its offspring- faitama- paaththidanum
522.say- fai- pannu
523.act of entering- uluga- nuzhaika
524.burial- oti- puthai / bury
*525. worship- aatua- thuthi ; oaathu .
526.attack something by throwing a stick- ato- thadi adi; thadi- stick; adi- beat.
527. observe- agoago- kavanikka ; ka= va; va= ka.
528. jubilation- agatu- kondaattam
529. ugliness- auleaga- azhaku inmai; azhaku- beautiful; inmai- without.
530.change-/ cash - tala- maaththuthal
*531.push- tulei- thallu
*532. drive- tulei- oaattuthal